Self-Esteem and Weightloss

It’s vital to include self esteem in any weightloss treatment. It is pointless losing weight if we don’t learn to love ourselves. Losing weight alone will not make us happy. There are plenty of slim, unhappy people. Accept and respect our bodies, gain a healthy relationship with food and we will naturally and easily reach a healthy weight. Hypnotherapy changes our way of thinking, and supports us in making good healthy choices. 


Start The Journey

We all have to start somewhere, and we are all afraid of change. But we are in control of our own happiness, and when we have unresolved problems, they will continue to create problems for us until they are addressed. Start your journey to recovery with small steps, confident in the knowledge that taking control of your  future happiness is one of the most empowering things you can do. Counselling provides a safe, nonjudgemental, confidential and empathetic environment to enable us to be free to start this journey.



Knowing Yourself

Understanding yourself and how your mind works is invaluable. Once we know who we are and where we want to be, life becomes simpler and more fulfilling. Counselling is one of the routes to take to become self aware. We cope with our relationships with others so much better when we are clear about who we are. 


Free Yourself From Fear

We are only born with two fears, the fear of loud noises and the fear of falling. All other fears are learned fears.  These fears are stored in our subconscious mind and become part of who we are. Whilst in a hypnotic state, our subconscious mind becomes open to suggestion. Hypnotherapy provides the subconscious mind with positive suggestions that are beneficial to the client. Fears and habits can be addressed, freeing the client from the associated anxieties.


Take Control

Taking control of our thoughts and actions can improve our life in many ways. When we are out of control we may eat too much, drink too much, smoke become violent and many other things. 
Taking control empowers us and brings about a more fulfilling life,

Hypnotherapy can give is the tools we need to take this control . 


Establish A Healthy Relationship With Food

Diets and detoxes are great, they engage our conscious mind and make us think about what we are eating and when we are eating it. Unfortunately when the diet or detox comes to an inevitable end, if we haven’t addressed the reasons behind our eating disorder, or our obsession with food, those old habits will surface from our subconscious mind and we will soon be back to square one!


Fear of Flying

When a fear prevents you from doing the things that you either need or want to do, or affects your every day life, its time to address it. Maybe your family wants you to travel with them and you just can’t get over the fear of the journey, or maybe your fear is restricting your career progress.

Whatever it is, take a look at the testimonials on my home page. Hypnotherapy is extremely effective at treating fears and phobias.